Right now, I'm in Orlando, Florida for a conference for work. The sun is shining on the palm trees, the birds are chirping, and I'm clicking away at the conference. While I do love the Orlando, and it's theme parks, if I could drop everything and go anywhere, it wouldn't be here.
I would open up the asterRIDE app on my phone, and head west for Seaside, Florida. I happen to be in luck, since I'm actually going there next week with my family for vacation. It's been four years since I've dipped my toes in my favorite beach in all the world.
I've seen Greece: the red, sandy beaches were so different from anything I've ever seen. And the white backdrop of Santorini made for a picturesque view. Then Spain: Bareclona beaches were nothing to write home about (sorry) but Ibiza was breathtaking. There's the coast of California, which has access to some of the coolest cities around. The White Cliffs of Dover, although a little chilly, bring back memories of times forgotten. I've been a beach bum in the Bahamas. I've taken it easy, mon, in Jamaica. I've mingled with the locals in Mexico.
While all of these beaches are incredible, nothing compares to the beach in Seaside. It also helps that I grew up going to this beach every year as a child. We would pack up the car for a 14 hour car ride and head to Destin. When that got too packed, we headed to Seaside.
If you looked up perfect in a dictionary, the town of Seaside would reside there. But I'll show you more of that later, when I'm back from my four year hiatus from my favorite beach. I leave Friday!
To be able to go anywhere, whenever I want would be the ultimate dream. AsterRide is helping me start that dream. With asterRide there are so many options to get where you need to go. You can choose your vehicle (traditional taxi, luxury sedan, limo, charter bus, even a party bus.) There's also an instaALERT to let friends and families know you're getting a ride, or even send an emergency SOS if something bad were to happen. This means you'll always be a safe (as a woman, this is very important to me.)
Since asterRIDE is a newer company, they are kicking things off in a big way: $500 gift card via PayPal or Visa!
asterRIDE is available via mobile app and is currently available in Chicago, Seattle, Phoenix, Orlando, and Everett, Washington. But they are expanding soon!
If you could #GoAnywhere, where would it be?