Well let me tell you, for a girl that only has one leg to stand on this weekend was pretty good!
Friday I got out of the house for the first time this week!That enough made my weekend!! My husband and I went up to White Rock Lake with our dog and had a picnic while watching the sunset. Pretty nice way to end the day.
My husband (Michael) gets very very worried about me moving too fast with the walker so he has to stand by me and walk very slowly. It gets kinda obnoxious- hey I'm independent! Well on Saturday we decided to go out to a very nice breakfast (we went to Waffle House, hey its cheap and… well that's about it). And I wanted to show my skillz with my walker, yes I just used a z. Well on the way out I knocked onver various cups of coffee and nearly toppled over. Michael was almost giddy, while showing concern, because it meant I had to slow down. Shoot. I hate when he's right.
Ok on to Sunday… I went to the Fair! In a wheelchair. Are you jealous? You shouldn't be. Here's why: People stare, which I have no problem with, however; I can't shave my legs. My hair is white and I feel like it just bounces right off my leg into peoples general center of vision. So I'm a little embarrassed. Also, I can't play games or ride rides. Most of the games you have to be standing or sitting to get to do them and I can't really do that either. There are some plus sides though. I always have a place to sit. I never get tired. And I get free things because people take pity on me! Also I get a front row “seat” to most shows since I just wheel on up there!
Wheelin in to the fair |
How was your weekend? I am linking up with Sami's Shenanigans over at the Weekend wrap up party. Join in on the fun!
Stay tuned for the next post about some very good shopping!!