If there's one thing I'm lacking in life, it's organization. There are certain people that are, and some that aren't. Some of my favorite bloggers to read, are ones that have their shit together. I find it interesting that they can manage everything on their plate but everything on said plate is in neat, color coordinated sections ready to be devoured at a specific time. One of those people is Steph of Life According to Steph. I've had her on the blog before when I flat out asked her: How the hell do you organize your blog? So now, I have her back, but this time it's about organizing your life. An area we could all probably work on.
Hello Helene in Between readers! I'm Steph and you can normally find me over at Life According to Steph blogging about cooking, books, my three pugs, things that annoy me, hausfrauing, my card of a husband, and life in general live from Philadelphia.
One of my favorite things to do is to purge and organize. If I had to choose a different career, I'd be a professional organizer, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to share my top five organizing tips with you while Helene is off enjoying her European vacation.
1. Do not get involved with piles. Deal with it the first time it's in your hand. There should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place. This message about piles that appeared in the June 2014 issue of Real Simple says it best:
2. Make sure every item you own has one of these connections: it must be useful, beautiful, or beloved. If the answer isn't yes to all or at the least one of these questions, it's time to get rid of it.
5. It's never over. Purging and organizing is circular because life is circular. Life happens around us. Something you organized four months ago could probably use an update. New stuff has likely come in, old stuff has gone out, and how you use the space probably needs to be reevaluated. You don't organize something once and then never have to do it again. It requires upkeep.
I could talk organizing all day, but those are my top five tips. Do you have any to share?
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