Love really can come in all forms and ways. You just never know how it's going to happen. Mine happened in high school, of all places. When I found a boy who loved music, life, and even dancing as much as I did. Our opposites were the good kind and our morals just happened to be in line.
One thing that fascinates me these days in the online world of dating, particularly Tinder. It's given the younger crowd an opportunity to feel comfortable dating online. No longer do you need to spend strenuous hours cultivating a particular profile. You just link it to Facebook and set your mile radius and swipe away to find a mate.
This past weekend we were talking about Tinder. (In case you're unaware, Tinder is a dating app for your phone that you choose who to meet up with or talk to based on looks, generally.) One of my guy friends is looking for a real relationship. Some of the others in the group retorted that you can't find that on Tinder. That the app is simply just for hooking up, and that's about it.
I very much disagree. You see, my best friend, Lyndsie found her boyfriend of over a year by using Tinder. They are happy, and awesome together, but let's get some back story shall we?
Lyndsie is one of my favorite people on the planet and in my eyes, a catch for any guy. She's gorgeous, fun, hilarious, a great dancer, and on top of that, interesting.