Before we get into the weekend I am rewinding all the way back to Tuesday.
Tuesday was my second day of work. And the day I almost killed my husband.
I went outside to feed the puppy and play with the dogs. Michael pokes his head out of the backdoor and says, “OK, I'm off, I love you , bye!”
I looked at my phone about 2 minutes later and decide I need to finish getting ready. So I go to open the door. LOCKED.
Michael had locked me out of the house. I call his phone. OFF. So I call my mom freaking out. It wasn't until about 20 minutes later he finally turned his phone on and came back. I looked very disheveled but I made it to work on time.
Now let's fast forward to the weekend. Friday was just the jam. Perfect combination of good friends and dancing and a great DJ oh and celebrating one of my best friends getting old. I don't think the smaile left my face on Friday.
Saturday was spent at King Spa sauna in Dallas. It was a fun experience but I don't recommend it if you're in the Dallas area. Just a bunch of rooms at different temperatures with different smells. This one guy went on and on about how it clears his cold and allergies. Yeah, and so does a hot shower.
Hi “A Beautiful Mess” app, you are the bomb dot com. |
Sunday was my little sister's graduation from highschool. She went to the same all girls, catholic high school I went to and the ceremony is very formal. White hats and dresses, a very specific curtsey and a song. I love it and I'm super proud of her!