I married my highschool sweet heart. His name is Michael and he has NEVER read this blog. We are kind of weird in that if we never do something then we won't start doing it. Like me eating sour cream. Never had it, won't try it.
Not much can beat Blue Bell Ice Cream, in my book.
One Summer my husband and I ate about 1/2 a gallon every week. It was disturbing.
I love getting girly and dressed up. But I hate showering and shaving my legs.
Yes, I like being clean. But I hate being cold and wet. Although a hot shower is pretty nice, just not the in between being wet and dry part.
I believe in drinking and dancing and that they should happen each and every weekend. If I'm lucky, on weekdays too.
If you let me choose the music it will be house music. AKA electronic dance music.
Unless I get two choices. And then it's hip hop.
Or Ke$ha.
Or Ray Charles.
And I will Karaoke Britney Spears and pretend like I'm her.
I probably drink more diet coke than water. I know. Sorry.
I'll work on it.
Jammin to “Hot in Herre” by Nelly, Because I am ready for it to be hot and honestly this song is pretty amazing.
And don't forget to enter the March Group Giveaway.