1. You can say so little and so much with a hashtag. Classic phrases like #YOLO, #TBT, and #Selfie maybe need to be put to rest. Oh was that a picture of just you? I had no idea. Although I'm lying because I will definitely throw up a baby pic.
2. Twerking can cause riots. And break up your engagement. Just ask Miley.
3. Selfies made the duck face trend every where for teenage girls. It also happens to be a word in the dictionary. Please use caution.
4. Jennifer Lawrence and Beyonce are two women you shouldn't mess with or talk bad about. If you dislike them, keep it to yourself or else get the reign of haters. And if they want to cut their hair into a pixie cut you need to deal with it.
5. It's perfectly acceptable to base a love connection solely on appearance, but now you have an app for that. Tinder. Swipe away until you find your match.
6. If you don't put a lock down on your technology, it will get snatched up. I'm looking at you Vine. The app came and went in a blink of an instagram filter.
7. You never know when a stick of butter may come back to bite you. Just ask Paula Deen. Choose your words carefully, and don't be racist.
8. The government can completely shut down and nothing will really change.
9. You can have a fake girlfriend (or boyfriend) just make sure everyone knows the plan, Manti T'eo.
10. If you're phone's dead life is basically not worth living.
I barely scratched the surface, there were just so many life lessons. What did you learn in 2013?