My whole entire life I've tried to figure out my path. I'm an extremely passionate person. I either love things or hate things. I know that I love to dance and write and talk (people's ears off) and eat ice cream and pet dogs. Those are things I know, inherently, that I love. But for my whole life I've had a hard time figuring out what I'm good at.
I've tried everything. I switched my major in college 3 times and almost a 4th, but realized that if I did it again I would have to be a 5th year senior. I was always so envious of the people that knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up. They knew they wanted to be a doctor. They knew they wanted to teach. They knew they wanted to be an accountant.
The same thing seemed to happen with blogging. Over and over I heard that I had to pick a niche to be successful. I needed to blog with purpose and to do so, that meant writing about one thing only. But what I've come to find is that following my passion helps me to discover my purpose.
Why can't I have a job in which I do a multitude of things? Why can't I write about a variety of subjects? Why can't I explore all the ways to make money and make up my own career path?
When I finally stopped listening to what I should be doing, I figured out what I was good at. My whole life I've loved writing and coaching. I'm also an entrepreneur. When I was in college I started my own dance camp. That led to teaching dance. I loved it because it combined two of my passions: dancing and teaching. The best jobs that I've ever had were ones that were somewhat unexpected or ended up morphing into roles that I didn't think were possible. Like my current one, of blogging and coaching and freelance writing.
What I've learned is that when you let go of what you think you should do, you realize what makes you happy and what makes you passionate. Everyone has a different path. There isn't one clear answer and your passions can change. You don't have to know exactly what you should be doing, but you should absolutely explore the things you love.
You should take time for your hobbies. You should invest in new opportunities. Because they can lead to things you never thought possible before.
I can honestly say I am 100% the happiest I've ever been in my life (with the exception of when I was 6 years old, my sisters weren't born yet, and let's face it, being 6 is basically the best.) I wake up every single day motivated and with purpose.
Do you know how to figure out what you're good at? What motivates you and makes you happy? Leave your comments and share!
P.S. If this post means anything to you then you should sign up for my Quit Your Job to Blog E-Course. It's an investment in your passion and I hope it will change your life (and your blog) for the better. I've put everything in here.