Many of us start blogs out of passion or the need to share our creativity online. But at some point we realize it'd be nice to make a little extra money. We may even think, hey, I'd love to actually get PAID for all the work I put into it.
Whether you'd like to make a living or just make some passive income on the side, most bloggers would like to get something out of all those hours spent. Am I right? So, I'm hosting a full-scale webinar, digging deep into the strategies for monetizing your blog.
There is a lot of information online about how to blog, what works, and how to make money. But it's hard to decipher the helpful info from that which is totally false. In this free webinar I want to help dispel the blogging myths that can lead you down the wrong road. I want to show you how to authentically connect with your audience (or non existent audience) and turn your readers into fans who want to buy ANYTHING you sell. I'll show you a road map for monetizing, along with the four best ways to make money with your blog.
It's time to cut the crap and get down to some actionable ways to monetize your blog. Period.
In this FREE, live workshop you'll learn:
- Blogging myths that can hold you back from success
- How to create fans who buy what you sell
- A road map to monetizing online
- The best 4 ways to make money from your blog
- Finding your path no matter what your current stage of blogging
You're not going to want to miss this one. There is a HUGE surprise as well. So exciting in fact, I feel like I might burst.
I'm offering two different times to join in (yes, I'm doing this TWICE). For the international bloggers who don't get to join in, this one's for you!
Here are the details:
When: Pick one of two times.
Option one – Tuesday May 10th at 8pm CST (check your what time that's for you here.)
Option two – Wednesday May 11th at 12 pm CST (check which time zone this works for you here)
Where: Online! Register here. Register for Tuesday at 8pm CST. OR Register for Wednesday at 12pm CST.
How: Once you're registered I'll email you with all the details.
Cost: $0.00
P.S. Can't make it? It's okay. I'll be sending out a replay afterwards! But ONLY for those who sign up.
I'm so so excited about this live workshop and hope you'll join me. I always promise actionable, helpful advice that can help you with your blog right away. So get in on the awesomeness. I promise, this is not one to miss.